Surfer minibus


Paint the bus and other wooden objects with craft paint and make a surfboard and lifebuoy in Silk Clay®.

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Total price
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How to do it
Guide step %d
1   Paint the car and the sign with Plus Color craft paint and colour on details such as headlamps with Plus Color markers.
Guide step %d
2   Glue the ladders together to make a roof rack. Note that the ladders must face the opposite way.
Guide step %d
3   Glue them to the roof.
Guide step %d
4   Decorate the car with Plus Color markers and stickers.
Guide step %d
5   Write some text on the sign with a marker.
Guide step %d
6   Create a surfboard in Silk Clay® according to the template.
Guide step %d
7   Decorate the surfboard with Silk Clay®.
Guide step %d
8   Create accessories in Silk Clay® based on your imagination, such as a suitcase, a swim ring or a beach bag holding a towel.
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Paint the bus and other wooden objects with craft paint and make a surfboard and lifebuoy in Silk Clay®.

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