Puffed Up Easter Creatures


Paint small flower pots, compressed cotton balls and eggs with Plus Color craft paint. Polka dots made with Puff Liner are then puffed up using a heat gun. Finally add flower ribbon, funny eyes and decorative card details.

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How to do it
Guide step %d
1.   Paint a compressed cotton egg, a compressed cotton ball and a flower pot with Plus Color craft paint. Let it dry.
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2.   Cut the ears and the nose from card and glue these parts onto balls and eggs using a glue gun. Glue the head onto the flower pot. Use an end cutter for cutting off the fastener attached to the back of the funny eyes – glue the eyes onto the compressed cotton ball with a glue gun.
Guide step %d
3.   Make dots on the flower pots, the head and the ears with a Puff Liner.
Guide step %d
4.   Use a heat gun and circular movements to puff up the dots.
Guide step %d
5.   Finally glue the flower ribbon onto the flower pot.
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