A Needle Felted Christmas Tree with a Star on a Stand in a Pot
Christmas trees made by felting carded wool onto a polystyrene cone. The trees are attached onto a stand and pushed into a small pot, lined with brown Silk Clay for soil.
How to do it Download the templates/recipes
1. Cover the polystyrene cone with carded wool. Felt on the wool in tufts using a felting needle, pushing it up and down repeatedly.
2. Decorate the tree with scattered Christmas baubles made from colored wool, felting them on with a felting needle as as described above.
3. Make the star at the top from five tufts of yellow wool. Double over each tuft and put them on a needle felting foam pad and felt the end of each tuft.
4. Assemble all the tufts from the opposite end, where they have not yet been felted together. Place them on top of each other, making a five-pointed star.
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