Comforting Candle Holders


A piece of natural hemp wrapped around the glass lantern which is then decorated with tassels and a feather charm.

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How to do it
Guide step %d
1   Wrap a piece of natural hemp around the glass lantern approx. 20 times.
Guide step %d
2   Tie a knot and cut off the ends.
Guide step %d
3   To make a tassel, wrap the natural hemp around three fingers approx. 10 times.
Guide step %d
4   Cut a new piece of natural hemp measuring approx. 25cm. Wrap around the tassel four or five times.
Guide step %d
5   Use a crochet hook to pull the end of the upper piece of natural hemp through the loops of the tassel.
Guide step %d
6   Pull the lower end the opposite way through the loops.
Guide step %d
7   Tie a knot.
Guide step %d
8   Cut open the loops at the bottom.
Guide step %d
9   Tie the natural hemp ends (i.e. the string which went through the top loops of the tassel) together on each tassel with a small knot.
Guide step %d
10   Pull the feather charm onto a piece of natural hemp measuring approx. 30cm and tie a knot.
Guide step %d
11   Attach the tassels.
Guide step %d
12   Tie around the glass and cut off the ends.
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