Stamped tie-and-dye on a small bag


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How to do it
Guide step %d
1   Drip silk paint onto your bag with a pipette - start with the light colours. Let the colour seep out completely before dripping on the next colour.
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2   Then drip on the dark colour using the pipette (limit how much the colours run together since the general appearance might become cloudy).
Guide step %d
3   Stamp designs onto the bag in matching colours. (If the bag has become a little dark, then choose light colours for the stamped designs).
Guide step %d
4   Stamp the final design (depending on the size of the bag it is a good idea to only use a few designs and colours …).
Guide step %d
5   Make dots or other details – you could use the end of a pencil (for example) or other readily avaiable items.
Guide step %d
6   Make the final details with gold Art Metal for the final finish.
Please note!   The silk- and textile paints fix automatically after approx. 14 days.
Tips   A piece of good advice is to make the bag on an absorbent surface (e.g. newspaper) to prevent the colours from the front being sucked onto the back and becoming cloudy. Let the front dry completely before painting the back.
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