

Paint an accordion papier-mâché folded book (album) with Plus Color craft paint. Cover it with Vivi Gade Design Paper (London). Mount the pictures onto white and turquoise card and attach onto the accordion (album) pages. Decorate with cut-out birds.

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How to do it
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1.   Paint all the edges and the accordion creases with white Plus Color Craft Paint.
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2.   Whilst the album dries, decorate the lid and the base of the gift box with paper, cake napkins and red/white checked ribbon.
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3.   Cut a piece of paper to cover the sides. Cut the pieces 1/2cm smaller than the measurements of the album.
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4.   For this album cut the pictures so they measure 10 x 10cm and mount them onto white card measuring 10.3 x 10.3cm. Mount this onto a piece of turquoise card measuring 11 x 11cm.
Guide step %d
5.   Put the picture in the album and decorate with cut-out motifs.
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