Punched needle embroidered butterflies in an embroidery frame


Make a beautiful butterfly in a embroidery frame using the punch needle technique and woollen yarn.

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How to do it
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1   Cut a 21 x 21 cm piece of aida fabric. Open the embroidery frame, place the outer embroidery frame in the middle of the fabric and draw around the inside edge of the frame using a pencil.
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2   Print the template which is available as a separate PDF file on this page. Cut it out.
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3   Place the template on top of the aida fabric, secure with pins and copy the design onto the fabric using a pencil. Now secure the fabric in an embroidery hoop stand.
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4   Thread the punch needle with grey woollen yarn following the instructions on the packaging. Adjust the needle to setting "C". Embroider the outer edge of the butterfly by pushing the needle into every other hole all the way around. Punch from the back of the aida fabric.
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5   Now change to lavender coloured woollen yarn and embroider the middle section of the butterfly in the same way. Change to pale rose coloured woollen yarn and embroider the inner section of the butterfly.
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6   Thread the punch needle with off-white woollen yarn and adjust the needle to setting "D" for smaller loops. Embroider and fill in the background on the rest of the aida fabric.
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7   Secure the ends.
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8   Assemble the embroidery frame around the fabric.
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9   Trim the excess fabric, leaving a 2 cm edge outside the frame.
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10   Apply decoupage lacquer for textiles all over the back of the fabric. Finish by folding and gluing the edge of the fabric to the frame using decoupage lacquer for textiles.
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Template   -
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