Pastel Coloured Christmas Trees


Wooden Christmas trees painted with Plus Color. Vivi Gade Design Paper cut-outs (from the Bremen series) are glued onto the Christmas trees using VTR adhesive. Finally, they are decorated with a 3D silver liner, Paper Pen and silver pipe cleaners.

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How to do it
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1   Start by drawing the outline of the Christmas tree on the paper. Fold the paper in half, enabling you to decorate both the front and the back of the Christmas tree. REMEMBER that each tree has its own shape so they must be made individually.
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2   Cut out.
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3   Paint the Christmas tree with white Plus Color, apart from the front and back where the paper will be glued on.
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4   Glue the cut-out Christmas tree sides firmly on using VTR adhesive.
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5   Decorate the Christmas trees with dots and decorative borders made with a Paper Pen and a 3D silver liner.
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