Painting with perspective


Based on the slightly gloomy postapocalyptic universe, children from 5th and 6th grades have created cityscapes where they have included themselves, using tools and techniques such as perspective, atmosphere, transparent dye mixtures and tools with artist acrylic paint.

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How to do it
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Preparatory work and introduction to the project   The children have studied and sketched famous skyscrapers, skylines, films, games and artists’ takes on post-apocalyptic worlds, where there are very few people or creatures in ruins and abandoned cities.
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Start-up skyline   Attach a thick piece of A2 drawing paper on a masonite plate with masking tape so that the tape is straight and smooth. This will later serve asn a white frame in the picture. Paint the background in diluted acrylic paint with a little white. Draw a skyline and paint in the same colour but without white.
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Perspective   Work with perspective using colour mixes, layers and overlaps. The front buildings are darker than the ones at the back. The darker colours can be created by mixing a little, e.g. dark blue, green, purple, etc. (avoid black).
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Photo and further work   Now use the printed photo as a direct template. Draw the contours of the painting with ochre-coloured chalk and finish with painting to make it clear that the artist him/herself is part of the story/mood of the picture. Now work on the painting’s colour schemes and details.
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Based on the slightly gloomy postapocalyptic universe, children from 5th and 6th grades have created cityscapes where they have included themselves, using tools and techniques such as perspective, atmosphere, transparent dye mixtures and tools with artist acrylic paint.

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