

Fragments of chains with macramé cord, metal chain, pendant and faceted beads connected with oval jump rings.

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How to do it
Guide step %d
1.   Cut a piece of thin lightly waxed cotton cord measuring approx. 4m and double it over. Cut another piece of cotton cord measuring approx. 55cm as the middle cord. Now braid for approx. 33cm. Close this piece with a knot at each end.
Guide step %d
2.   Put a metal cone onto an eye pin and glue the cord onto the top of the cone.
Guide step %d
3.   Put three beads onto the eye pin and twist to form a loop.
Guide step %d
4.   Before closing the loop completely, attach two chain fragments.
Guide step %d
5.   Attach a bead on an eye pin onto the middle of one chain.
Guide step %d
6.   Connect the chains and attach them to a pendant with an oval jump ring.
Guide step %d
7.   Finish the necklace by connecting it to the braided cord.
Guide step %d
8.   Finally attach a pendant with an oval jump ring.
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