Monsters in needle felt


Make three different monsters out of carded wool. The wool is used to needle felt around a polystyrene ball and you can also attach a key ring to each monster to hang from a school bag.

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1   Prepare the wool for felting by tearing the wool so that it has frayed ends.
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2   Felt the entire polystyrene egg with wool. Insert the wool repeatedly into the egg. Layer the wool in smaller pieces and felt it on to the egg.
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The key ring is felted on   Felt the egg so that you end up with a large tuft of wool at the top. Pull the wool through the key ring.
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4   Felt the tuft of wool and fold it around the key ring. Felt the wool around the egg. Felt on more wool if necessary.
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5   Now felt the monster’s body. Use your imagination when felting the body, horns and eyes.
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Eyes on stems   Felt two long, narrow pieces for the eyes. Leave a tuft of unfelted wool for felting the eyes on to the body.
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7   Felt on small pieces of wool for eyes.
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Arms   Felt the monster’s arms in the same way as the eyes. Shape small hands by sticking repeatedly in the same place.

Note: Remember that you should still have unfelted wool to felt on to the body.
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For the eyes   Roll four small balls of wool between your hands, two in white and two smaller ones in black.

Felt the white balls into place first and then the black ones. Also felt the arms and eye stems on to the body.
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10   Use your imagination to felt small details. The mouth and teeth are felted here.
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Pink monster   Monster with horns and three eyes as inspiration.
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Light blue monster   Light blue monster with horns and one eye as inspiration.
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Felted wool monster   The kit contains enough wool to make three adorable wool monsters. Here they are ready to hang on a school bag, house key or anything else.
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Make three different monsters out of carded wool. The wool is used to needle felt around a polystyrene ball and you can also attach a key ring to each monster to hang from a school bag.

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