Marbled earrings with jewellery clay


Make two pairs of earrings out of jewellery clay with a marbling effect. Because jewellery clay is soft and flexible, you can easily create a beautiful marbling effect that will give your earrings a unique look. Bake the clay shapes in the oven to harden the clay and make it more durable, and then attach the shapes to the studs and hooks.

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How to do it
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1   Take 1/4 of the white and 1/4 of the purple jewellery clay and knead separately for 4 minutes. Four minutes may seem like a long time, but this is necessary to prevent air bubbles from forming when the clay is baked.
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2   Now make small balls out of the kneaded clay, making a few more out of the white clay than the purple.
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3   Knead all the balls together to create a marbled effect. Once the desired effect is achieved, roll the jewellery clay into a ball.
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4   Flatten the ball with your finger.
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5   Now use the roller to roll out the jewellery clay to a thickness of about 1.5 mm.
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6   Use the cutter moulds to cut out the organic shapes. You can make the entire earring with a marbled effect or make one part completely purple, as shown in the picture – or even a completely different look. You will need four of the small shapes and two of the large ones for the two sets of earrings.
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7   Now punch a hole in the jewellery clay with the stud where the shapes are to be attached. Make the hole approximately 1.5 mm from the edge.
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8   Preheat the oven at 110 degrees for 10 minutes. Place the jewellery clay in the oven after the 10 minutes and bake for 18 minutes.
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9   Twist open a round jump ring.
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10   Slide the ends of the jump ring through the two pieces of the baked jewellery clay.
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11   Close the round jump ring using flat-nose pliers.
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12   Insert the round jump ring through the top hole of each earring in the pair and attach the ear stud.
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13   Close the round jump ring using flat-nose pliers. The earrings are now finished and ready to be worn.
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14   Insert the round jump ring and ear hook into the small clay shapes and close using flat-nose pliers to create another set of earrings.
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More Information

Make two pairs of earrings out of jewellery clay with a marbling effect. Because jewellery clay is soft and flexible, you can easily create a beautiful marbling effect that will give your earrings a unique look. Bake the clay shapes in the oven to harden the clay and make it more durable, and then attach the shapes to the studs and hooks.

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