Knotted Macramé Bracelets


Make cool unisex bracelets using the macramé knotting technique. Create each bracelet with bamboo cord and add bead covers at both ends and a slip knot to make it easy to take on and off.

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How to do it
Video guide   Get step-by-step instructions on how to make your own macramé bracelets.
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1   Cut cords: 1 x 2 m and 2 x 50 cm.
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2   Secure the two 50 cm cords with clips or tape. Start by knotting 8 cm from the end of the cord. Double the 2 m cord behind the two 50 cm cords and make a square knot around it.
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3   Hold the first 50 cm cord and make a double half hitch knot around it with the first 1 m cord. Tighten the knot with the cord to the right.
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4   Tighten two knots to the right.
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5   Make a double half hitch knot where the knot and cord are tightened to the left.
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6   Tighten the second knot to the left.
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7   Hold the 50 cm cord 2 taut. Tie a double half hitch knot around it and tighten to the left.
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8   Tighten the second knot to the left.
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9   Tie a knot and tighten it to the right.
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10   Tighten the second knot to the right.
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11   With cord 1, make a double half hitch knot around the 50 cm cord 2.
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12   Repeat steps 3-11.
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13   Once you have knotted 22 oval patterns – or reached the desired length – finish with a square knot.
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14   The finished length of the knotted bracelet is 18 cm.
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15   Place a crimp cover around the first and last knot and squeeze it.
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16   Cut off the ends.
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17   Make the closure by tying a knot with the two cords from one end around the two cords from the other end of the bracelet.
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18   Attach crimp beads to the ends and squeeze them together. Tip: Apply a little glue to the ends beforehand to prevent the cord from splitting.
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Make cool unisex bracelets using the macramé knotting technique. Create each bracelet with bamboo cord and add bead covers at both ends and a slip knot to make it easy to take on and off.

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