Key Fobs, Magnets and Brooches from decorated, pre-printed Shrink Plastic Designs


The skulls are pre-printed designs on shrink plastic which are decorated with colouring pencils, cut out and shrunk to 1/3 of their original size in a household oven. Another variant has holes added before shrinking for attaching as a key fob. The other two are shrunk without holes and glued on to a magnet and a brooch back.

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How to do it
Guide step %d
1   Colour in the design on the shrink plastic using colouring pencils.
Guide step %d
2   Cut out the shape and make a hole if it is intended to be used as a key fob. Use revolving punch pliers and remember that the hole also shrinks to approx. 1/3 of its original size.
Guide step %d
3   Place the shape on a baking sheet and shrink it for approx. 40 sec. in a household oven at 160°C. The shape curls up quickly and then it flattens out again. Keep an eye on it through the oven door.
Guide step %d
4   Attach the shape to a keyring to make a key fob or (without a hole) glue it onto a magnet or a brooch back.
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