Hot Owls


Owls sewn from leather and filled with polyester wadding. Decorated with charms and feathers. The eyes are glued on with Super Attak Instant Glue and drawn with a marker pen. The strap is plaited from suede cord.

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How to do it
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1   Cut out the parts using the template and also cut out a piece of wadding for the body. For the plaited strap cut three pieces of suede cord to the desired length + 25cm. Cut six small pieces of suede cord for ears. Place polyester wadding, the plaited strap and the ears between the two body parts and sew together on the sewing machine. Sew a cross on the tummy. Make six holes for claws and attach round jump rings.
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2   Glue on the eyes and draw on pupils with a black marker pen.
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3   Cut an owl’s head and eyes using the template. Glue on feathers and ears on one part – put wadding in between – place the other part on top and sew together on the sewing machine.
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4   Plait the strap and attach a swivel clasp. Glue the strap together.
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5   Glue a piece of leather around the joint.
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6   Glue the eyes onto the owl and draw the pupils with a black marker pen. Make holes at the top of the owl and attach a round jump ring.
Guide step %d
Template   -
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