Hanging Angels


Made from the jewellery kit including instructions

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How to do it
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1.   Cut a piece of bonsai wire measuring approx. 40cm. Thread three beads onto the wire and push them up towards the other end, stopping approx. 10cm before the end. Now – with the wire – skip the first bead and feed the wire through the next two beads. Thread six beads onto the long piece of wire. Now – with the wire – skip the last bead and feed the wire through the next bead. Now thread four beads onto the wire, skip the last bead and feed the wire through the next two beads. Thread one more bead onto the wire and feed the wire through the bead below.
Guide step %d
2.   Thread three beads onto the short piece of wire. With the wire, skip the last bead and feed the wire through the next bead.
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3.   Thread on another bead and feed the wire through the opposite bead.
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4.   Feed the long wire through a mother-of-pearl bead and a small bead. Skip the small bead and feed the wire back through the large bead.
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5.   Gather the two pieces of wire and thread a prism and a halo onto the wires. Glue the prism in place.
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6.   Twist the wires around a small stick to make a small loop for hanging.
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