Hair bands with knitted tube flowers


Decorate these hair bands with flowers made from knitted tube. The flowers are made on a knitting mill using baby merino wool and are sewn together. A wooden button is sewn onto the hair band with the flower at the end.

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Total price
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How to do it
Guide step %d
1   Make a 30-40 cm knitted tube on the knitting mill. Follow the instructions on the packaging of the knitting mill or see the video. One ball of wool gives 13 metres of knitted tube.
Guide step %d
2   Pick up the four stitches at one end of the knitted tube using a yarn needle as shown in the photo. Feed the wool through the four stitches and secure. Feed the yarn needle with the treaded wool back inside the knitted tube.
Guide step %d
3   Sew the two ends of the knitted tube together to form a circle.
Guide step %d
4   Make a flower shape with, for example, five petals by feeding the yarn needle with the yarn through a stitch in the knitted tube in five different places. Pull and tighten to make the petals.
Guide step %d
5   Sew together to secure and sew on the button.
Guide step %d
6   Sew the flower onto the hair band and secure the end.
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