Gift Box Creative Set

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Contents: 1 animals and other items of styrofoam, 1 box of wood veneer, Foam Clay® and Silk Clay® in assorted. colours, chenille and 5 pairs of eyes.

Creativity set containing everything you need to create the forest’s many animals and creatures.

From big wild animals to cute creatures, open up the creative set that brings you closer to the wildlife of the forest. Start creating according to your imagination or find inspiration on the packaging. Use the modelling compounds to cover the polystyrene items and prick eyes and chenille into them.

Explore the diverse wildlife of the forest directly from the kitchen table and try different things:.

  • Create the forest’s animals and discuss what they eat, how they sound and where they live in the forest
  • Unleash your imagination and see what strange, fun and wondrous animals you can make– perhaps a neon yellow spider or a rainbow coloured squirrel?
  • Use the finished animals to decorate a child’s room

Do self-hardening modelling compound and self-hardening modelling material really strengthen fine motor skills? While Silk Clay® is soft and supple, Foam Clay® is perfect for clothing. Just like self-hardening clay, both products have great creative potential. Our gift box contains both Silk Clay® and Foam Clay®, making it possible for you and your children to have hours of fun and be creative with your hands. You can try modelling the forest animals as they really look or feel free to imagine.

More Information
BrandFoam Clay
Retail quantity 1 set
Content quantity 1 set
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