Gauze Bandage Angels


The angel's body and wings are shaped from bonsai wire and the body is covered with gauze bandage. The stand is moulded from a milk carton. The angel is painted with matt A-Color diluted paint and Art Metal gold paint.

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How to do it
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1.   Using 2.5mm bonsai wire cut a piece measuring 75cm for the body and 60cm for the wings. Shape the wire, following the template.
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2.   The stand: Cut a clean milk carton and use it as a mould. Mix the casting compound 2.5 part to 1 part water and pour it into the milk carton.
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3.   Insert the angel's legs into the casting compound. Attach a piece of masking tape on each side of the legs to keep the legs in place whilst the casting compound solidifies.
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4.   When the stand has solidified, cover the body with gauze bandage dipped in water.
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5.   Paint the body and the stand with diluted matt A-Color paint. If the paint covers too thickly, add more water with a brush, so the colour appears slightly transparent.
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6.   Make gold dots with a foam stencil brush and Art Metal gold paint.
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7.   Attach the wings and the halo on the back using a glue gun. Draw a face with a black permanent marker. You may varnish the angel to protect the surface.
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