Eggs with Decoupage Paper


Attach small pieces of Vivi Gade decoupage paper which is printed with silicone stamps onto papier-mâché and plastic eggs. Decorate with lace, flax twine, feathers and beads.

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How to do it
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1.   Paint the papier-mâché egg with white Plus Color Craft paint.
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2.   Dab some paint onto the silicone stamp. Use the large designs.
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3.   Stamp print onto the paper.
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4.   Tear the paper into small pieces and glue them onto the egg.
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5.   Use the small designs when stamping with Art Metal gold paint. You will not need the acrylic stamp block.
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6.   Attach a crochet lace border onto the top half of the egg.
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7.   Attach the flax twine over the lace border with small blobs of glue. Tie the twine and decorate with feathers.
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8.   Decorate the plastic eggs using the same procedure as for the papier-mâché egg but without the crochet lace border.
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9.   Make a hole in the egg and push a piece of bonsai wire through the egg. Bend to form a hook at the top and attach a bead at the bottom. Then twist to form a loop. Glue a feather onto the loop.
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