Easter egg painted with craft paint


Paint Easter eggs in pretty pastel colours. Create a split colour pattern with masking tape and add sequins and a bow to the top of the egg. Hang the finished eggs on branches and let the pretty pastel hues create an eye-catching decoration over the Easter table.

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How to do it
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1   Divide the egg into painting squares with masking tape.
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2   Dab paint on one half of the egg with a sponge. Allow the paint to dry for about 10 minutes.
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3   Remove the tape.
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4   Dab the flat end of the sponge into the three colours to mix them a little. Apply the paint to the egg and follow the edge around.
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5   Tie a small bow around the hanging eyelet. Attach sequins to one of the hanging eyelet's legs. Use the rest of the ribbon for hanging.
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6   Insert the hanger into the top of the egg.
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Paint Easter eggs in pretty pastel colours. Create a split colour pattern with masking tape and add sequins and a bow to the top of the egg. Hang the finished eggs on branches and let the pretty pastel hues create an eye-catching decoration over the Easter table.

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