Earrings with cherries made from rocaille seed beads
Make earrings with cherries made from rocaille seed beads. Make the cherries by sewing rocaille seed beads around a wooden bead. Thread the beads onto a nylon cord and make the stalk and the leaves using green rocialle seed beads on the nylon cord.
How to do it

1 Cut a piece of nylon cord measuring approx. 1 m. Thread a red rocaille seed bead onto the cord and push the needle through the bead. Tighten the cord to make sure that the bead is secure.

4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have made a total of 10 rounds, and the wooden bead is covered by rocaille seed beads.

5 Thread 16 green beads onto the cord for the stalk and the leaves. Push the needle through the 7th bead from the bottom as shown in the photo.

7 Thread another nine green rocaille seed beads onto the cord. Push the needle through the last bead on the cord to make the second leaf.

8 Push the cord through the second bead on the stalk. Thread another six green rocaille seed beads onto the cord.

9 Thread another wooden bead onto the cord as well as seven red rocaille seed beads for the second cherry. Feed the cord with the beads back through one red rocaille seed bead and then the wooden bead.

10 Repeat this procedure ten times as described in steps 2 and 3 to cover the wooden bead completely.
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