Covered Hat Boxes


Glued onto square hat boxes using VTR Adhesive.

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Total price
{{ getFormattedBundlePrice() }}

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Guide step %d
1   Measure the height of the box + 2cm in each side. The best result is achieved when finishing at a corner. The first piece of paper extends 2cm around the corner.
Guide step %d
2   Apply a thin layer of glue onto the box to prevent it sucking the glue from the paper. Also apply glue to the paper.
Guide step %d
3   Put on the paper and smooth out air bubbles.
Guide step %d
4   Cut a notch in each corner and fold down the flaps. Remember to glue.
Guide step %d
5   Glue on the next piece of paper exactly from one corner to the next. Always cut it a bit smaller, as the glue makes the paper expand
Guide step %d
6   Measure the base, cut (slightly smaller) and glue on.
Guide step %d
7   For the lid, cut away paper for the corner as shown.
Guide step %d
8   Fold down the flaps and glue in the order as shown.
Guide step %d
9   At the intersections on the largest boxes, the best result is achieved when you manage to get the pattern to fit. The edges abut or overlap 1cm.
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