Christmas Bell with Santa and mushroom in BioBeads


Build a Santa and a mushroom on a base in BioBeads and glue the bead designs into each bell using a hanging cord.

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Guide step %d
1   Here you can see a pattern for Santa Claus.
Guide step %d
2   Set your iron to cotton setting, place a piece of baking paper over the beads and fuse them together.
Guide step %d
3   Here you can see a pattern for the base for your Santa decoration.
Guide step %d
4   Melt the beads together to make the base and cut off any melted edges from the holes for Santa’s feet. Attach Santa to the base so that his shoes stick out slightly under it.
Guide step %d
5   Place baking paper around the iron. Turn the iron on its side and fuse melt the base and Santa together.
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6   Attach a cord or string to the bell.
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7   Apply glue in the groove on the wooden base of the bell.
Guide step %d
8   Glue Santa onto the wooden base and stick the bell into the groove with glue.
Guide step %d
9   Here you can see a pattern for a mushroom.
Guide step %d
10   Here we see a pattern for the mushroom's base.
Guide step %d
Variant   Here you can see a Santa in a bell on a wooden base.
Guide step %d
Variant   Here you can see a mushroom in a bell on a wooden base.
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Build a Santa and a mushroom on a base in BioBeads and glue the bead designs into each bell using a hanging cord.

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