Bracelets with a simple Pattern in Rocaille Seed Beads


Small rocaille seed beads are threaded onto a nylon cord. The cord ends are gathered and split as you go along by feeding the cord ends from each side through a bead. Simple and effective.

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How to do it
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1   Cut a 50 cm piece of nylon cord and feed it through the loop of a lobster claw clasp. Pull the swivel clasp to the middle of the cord; you now have 2 x 25 cm cords. Thread a rocaille seed bead onto both cords at the same time. Push the bead all the way up to the clasp.
Guide step %d
2   Thread two beads onto each cord end. Push them all the way up to the clasp.
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3   Push the cord ends through each side of the bead. Now repeat step No. 2 and 3 until the bracelet reaches the desired length.
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4   Thread a crimp bead onto both cord ends. Push the crimp bead all the way up to the rocaille seed beads and squeeze the crimp bead flat with flat nose pliers. Trim the cord ends.
Guide step %d
5   Attach a round jump ring through the loop of bead tip and put it around the flat crimp bead. Squeeze the bead tip onto the crimp bead with flat nose pliers.
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