Big woven star made with paper star strips


This large star is made from weaving paper strips. It is challenging to make but worth the effort.

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How to do it
Guide step %d
1   Arrange two sets each consisting of six weaving paper strips as shown in the photo.
Guide step %d
2   Link the two sets together by taking the lower strip from the left set and weave it into the other set as shown.
Guide step %d
3   Repeat by taking the lower strip from the right set and weave it into the other set as shown.
Guide step %d
4   Tighten the two sets so they are adjacent to each other.
Guide step %d
5   Fold the strips which were used to link the two sets together to make a point in the same way as making the points on a normal woven Christmas star (looking like two triangular roofs).
Guide step %d
6   Fold the two (triangular roofs) together and insert this strip under a single section and pull it through.
Guide step %d
7   Repeat this procedure with the other strip used for linking the two sets together.
Guide step %d
8   So far so good.
Guide step %d
9   Fold the woven base at every other section.
Guide step %d
10   Second fold.
Guide step %d
11   Third fold. Now you have made the sides of a square.
Guide step %d
12   Turn over as shown in the photo.
Guide step %d
13   Weave the under laying strip at the top right towards the left.
Guide step %d
14   Weave the under laying strip at the bottom left towards the right. Tighten so the strips are lying adjacent to each other.
Guide step %d
15   Now fold the two strips which have just been used for interconnecting to make points.
Guide step %d
16   Both points have been made.
Guide step %d
17   Make the base at the top and at the bottom by weaving the four inner strips as shown.
Guide step %d
18   Tighten.
Guide step %d
19   Turn over and repeat.
Guide step %d
20   Tighten.
Guide step %d
21   Now make the points on all the sides of the square all the way around.
Guide step %d
22   -
Guide step %d
23   Now make the twisted points on all six sides of the square.
Guide step %d
24   Cut off all the loose strips and the star is ready for hanging. Well done!
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