Angels from Gauze Bandage


Gauze bandage is placed across a plastic cup. A polystyrene ball is the head. The head and the body are painted with diluted matt A-Color paint and Art Metal Gold paint. The halo is made from a metallic pipe cleaner and the wings from metallic card.

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How to do it
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1.   Soak pieces of gauze bandage in water. Place them over a plastic cup and let them dry.
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2.   Paint a polystyrene ball skin colour and glue it onto the body with a glue gun.
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3.   Paint the body with diluted matt A-Color paint.
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4.   Make patterns with Art Metal Gold paint.
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5.   Cut wings from metallic card and glue them on with a glue gun.
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6.   Shape a halo from a metallic pipe cleaner and insert it into the back of the head.
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7.   Glue on pieces of natural twine for hair and draw a face with a marker.
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