An Origami Folded Deer
A deer folded from Vivi Gade Design origami paper, using the step-by-step guide. It’s attached onto a wood slice using 3D foam pads.
How to do it

1 Fold a square piece of paper twice diagonally, open again and then fold it twice halfway and open again, forming a star pattern from the centre of the paper.

2 Make a small square from the large square (¼ of the size of the original square) by folding along the creases which divide the paper in half - as shown in photo.

3 From the open end, fold from the edge and towards the middle. Do the same from both sides and then turn the paper over. Repeat on the opposite side.

4 Fold the closed end down to the other folds as shown in the photo. Fold to both sides. Unfold to reveal the small square.

7 Fold the two new tips to make horns. First fold from the middle and out – approx. to the middle on the outer edge. Fold the tip again upwards to make the final bend on the horn.
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