An Origami Folded Deer


A deer folded from Vivi Gade Design origami paper, using the step-by-step guide. It’s attached onto a wood slice using 3D foam pads.

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How to do it
Guide step %d
1   Fold a square piece of paper twice diagonally, open again and then fold it twice halfway and open again, forming a star pattern from the centre of the paper.
Guide step %d
2   Make a small square from the large square (¼ of the size of the original square) by folding along the creases which divide the paper in half - as shown in photo.
Guide step %d
3   From the open end, fold from the edge and towards the middle. Do the same from both sides and then turn the paper over. Repeat on the opposite side.
Guide step %d
4   Fold the closed end down to the other folds as shown in the photo. Fold to both sides. Unfold to reveal the small square.
Guide step %d
5   From the open end fold the upper tip upwards, and fold the sides towards the middle. See photo.
Guide step %d
6   Cut from the upper tip down along the folded line in the middle.
Guide step %d
7   Fold the two new tips to make horns. First fold from the middle and out – approx. to the middle on the outer edge. Fold the tip again upwards to make the final bend on the horn.
Guide step %d
8   From the open tip fold both sides outwards.
Guide step %d
9   … continued.
Guide step %d
10   Turn the paper over.
Guide step %d
11   Fold the sides towards the middle and …
Guide step %d
12   … fold the top tip downwards to make the ears.
Guide step %d
13   Turn the paper over and fold the bottom tip backwards to make the muzzle. Fold the top triangle backwards.
Guide step %d
14   The folding of the deer is now complete.
Guide step %d
15   Draw an oval circle using the template and cut it out.
Guide step %d
16   Drill a hole in the wood slice and attach a piece of flax twine for hanging.
Guide step %d
17   Attach the oval circle to the wood slice using special double-sided adhesive tape.
Guide step %d
18   Attach the deer to the wood slice with 3D foam pads.
Guide step %d
Template   -
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