A water bottle decorated with glass paint
Personalise your own glass water bottle with glass paint. Paint patterns, use a thin brush for making fine lines or use a foam stencil brush. Check out how easy it is to make a colour gradient effect or individual dots. Fix the bottle in the oven for 30 minutes at 160℃.
How to do it Download the templates/recipes
1 Unscrew the lid from the bottle and wipe the bottle thoroughly with a cloth to remove finger prints and similar. Leave the bottle to dry completely. Dab with a dark colour a couple of cm upwards all the way around the bottle to make a colour gradient effect.
2 Mix the white glass paint and the blue glass paint. Dab the new lighter coloured paint all the way around the bottle in continuation of the dark colour and let the colours overlap slightly. Mix white and blue paint for an even lighter blue and repeat dabbing all the way around the bottle, moving upwards. A tip: in order to prevent getting too much paint onto the bottle, you may dab the foam stencil brush onto a piece of kitchen roll prior to dabbing it on the bottle.
3 Dab a foam stencil brush in glass paint and then onto the bottle to make dots. You may make light overlapping of the colours with this slightly transparent glass paint.
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