A Tassel for the Handbag


The tassel is made from polyester cords and is attached onto a beading wire with a cow bone bead, silver beads and a stone bead. It is finished with a lovely lobster claw clasp. Use it on a long chain or fasten it to your bag.

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Guide step %d
1   Wind the polyester cord thirty times around your hand.
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2   Put the cord around a round object and tie firmly together. Finish with a couple of knots.
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3   Cut off the ends close to the knot.
Guide step %d
4   Glue the tassel inside an end cap using Super Attak instant glue.
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5   Cut the strings from each other at the other end.
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6   Cut a piece of beading wire twice the desired length. Pass the wire through the loop of the end cap and pull on beads over both wires. Attach a crimp bead but do not squeeze it yet.
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7   Put a lobster claw clasp in a split ring. Pass the wire through the loop of the split ring, back through the crimp bead and the upper bead.
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8   Tighten, squeeze the crimp bead and cut off the excess wire.
Guide step %d
9   Convert the handbag charm to a piece of jewellery by attaching it to a long chain.
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