A Sculpture with Gauze Bandage


Children's spatial, intuitive and existential intelligence is enhanced by this creative project. Children's existential intelligence is enhanced when introducing them to Picasso's artistic expressions and his life story. The children then make their own sculptures from bonsai wire covered with gauze bandage. Children's intuition and intuitive intelligence is enhanced when bending and shaping bonsai wire and then covering it with gauze bandage. Also, children's understanding of space and colours (image-wise) is enhanced when making and painting their own sculptures.

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How to do it
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1   Form a shape from bonsai wire. Make it U-shaped with loops at the end as feet. Cover with gauze bandage and let it dry.
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2   For the sculpture on a wooden stand: form a shape from bonsai wire and cover it with gauze bandage. Let it dry.
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3   Paint the shape (either a shape for standing or for inserting into a wooden stand) with A-Color neon paint and let it dry.
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4   Draw details with a Poster Hobby Marker Pen.
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5   A sculpture on a stand: Drill holes in a wooden icon plate.
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6   Push the ends into the predrilled holes of the wooden stand. You may paint the wooden stand with black Plus Color craft paint.
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Intuition-wise   Intuitive intelligence. Enhanced by activities in which children must use their abilities to sense what (perhaps) will happen, and by mind reading and thinking synchronously.
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Image-wise   Spatial intelligence. Enhanced by activities in which children must use their abilities to perceive, recognise and express themselves within the spatial, real world.
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Life-wise   Existential intelligence. Enhanced by activities in which children must use their abilities to recognise that life and existence are different for each individual child.
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