A Manilla Tag decorated with a Nabbi Bead Heart


This manilla tag is decorated with a glued-on heart. The heart is made from Nabbi beads on a peg board. The beads are melted together using an iron.

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How to do it
Guide step %d
1.   Start in one corner, count pegs and put on a Nabbi bead on each peg until the heart is complete. NB: the advantage of a square peg board for Nabbi beads is that you can define the shape of your designs.
Guide step %d
2.   Place a piece of baking paper over the peg board with beads. Now melt the beads using an iron.
Guide step %d
3.   Glue the heart onto the manilla tag using Clear Multi Glue gel. Leave to dry and tie the tag onto the gift. A TIP: it is a lot easier to write on the back of the manilla tag before tying it onto the gift.
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