A long Necklace with Motive Beads


Rocaille beads pulled onto a beading wire. The pendants are made with motive beads on an eye pin. A tassel made from polyester cord.

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How to do it
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1   Thread rocaille beads onto a beading wire. You may use a bead caddy spinner where you thread a needle onto the thread. Easy and quick.
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2   When the wire is full, close with crimp beads as shown. Pull and squeeze the crimp beads flat.
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3   Make a tassel by twisting polyester cord around two or three fingers.
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4   Gather the polyester cords at the top with a large round jump ring.
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5   Twist a new piece of polyester cord around the bundle and fasten.
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6   Open the round jump ring slightly again and fit an eye pin. Attach a bead to the eye pin.
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7   Twist to make a loop in the loop of lobster claw clasp. Close completely.
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8   Now you can clip the pendant on and off so that you can change and make other variations.
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