A Large Ceramic Pendant


Large fashionable ceramic beads and crystal pendants are assembled with oval jump rings and 1mm silver-plated wire. A piece of leather cord is attached.

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How to do it
Guide step %d
1.   Assemble the ceramic heart with the crystal flower pendant using an oval jump ring.
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2.   Cut a piece of silver-plated wire. Twist to form a loop and attach this to the flower before closing the loop completely.
Guide step %d
3.   Thread the ceramic beads onto the wire. Finish with a loop (remember that the loop must turn towards the back and in the same direction as the first loop). Attach the crystal pendant to this loop before closing it completely.
Guide step %d
4.   Insert a piece of leather cord measuring approx. 1m through the oval jump ring. Wind one end of the cord around the doubled-over cord a few times, feed the end through all the loops and pull. Tie a knot with the cord ends which will be at the back of the neck.
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