A Keyring Charm


This lovely keyring is made from braided satin cords with a beautifully decorated wooden bead. Small pieces of decoupage paper are glued onto the wooden bead and then varnished with Paverpol sculpting glue.

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How to do it
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1.   Glue small pieces of decoupage paper onto the wooden bead using Paverpol sculpting glue.
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2.   You may leave the wooden bead to dry by inserting a golf tee with a glued on magnet into the hole of the bead. The glued on magnet allows the golf tee to stand firmly on metal surfaces whilst drying.
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3.   Polish / smooth the varnished surface of the wooden bead by using a magnet glued onto a golf tee or by using a tea spoon.
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4.   Varnish the wooden bead two or three times with the Paverpol sculpting glue. Let it dry between each application.
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5.   Use a tea towel or a similar piece of fabric for polishing the wooden bead to perfection.
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6.   Cut two pieces of satin cord; one measuring 1.5m and the other 0.5m, double them over and tie them onto a keyring.
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7.   Braid a section as shown with the two short cord ends in the middle.
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8.   Feed the four ends of the satin cords through the wooden bead and continue braiding.
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9.   Cut off the ends of the satin cords when the desired length is reached and tie a knot on each end.
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10.   Melt or glue each of the small ends and glue an end cap onto all the ends.
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