A cushion with a butterfly design made with a punch needle
Make your own cushion with a needle-punched embroidery. This design is embroidered with wool on aida fabric and then attached to a pillowcase.
How to do it

1 Cut the aida fabric approx. 4 cm larger (all round) than the pillowcase. Copy the circumference of the pillowcase onto the aida fabric making the frame visible.

2 Print out the template which is available as a PDF file on this page. The template comes in two sheets of paper. Tape them together and cut out the individual parts of the butterfly as shown in the photo.

3 Place the butterfly template 2 cm from the pencil border on the aida fabric. Copy all the parts onto the aida fabric using a pencil. Also draw another line 2 cm inside the border to make a frame.

4 Assemble the multi frame to fit the aida fabric. Make sure that the outside pencil-drawn border is within the multi frame, enabling you to needle punch through that area. Attach the aida fabric onto the frame using an Ergo stapler. First staple each corner then staple the space in between the corners. Pull the fabric taut prior to stapling.

5 Thread the punch needle following the instructions on the packaging. Adjust the needle to setting D for the border and the background. Always make sure to have unwound loose wool. Begin with a border all the way round. Punch into every other hole in each row.

6 Cut the yarn when the border is 2 cm wide. Needle punch the butterfly with the punch needle adjusted to setting B. When you have finished the butterfly, fill in the background with setting D.

7 Remove the aida fabric from the multi frame. Secure all the ends very carefully using a yarn needle. Alternatively you may trim the ends to 3-4 cm and secure the ends onto the back using decoupage lacquer for fabric.

8 Fix the back of the needle-punched aida fabric with a thick coat of decoupage lacquer for fabric and leave to dry.
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