A Bracelet with Wool Beads


Wool Beads strung onto a piece of Elastic Beading Cord using a Cross Stitch Needle.

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Guide step %d
1.   String fashion links onto a piece of elastic beading cord. Use a cross stitch needle for the wool beads.
2.   Make a tassel by winding polyester cord around three fingers. Gather the loops of the cord at the top with a round jump ring.
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3.   Close the round jump ring with another round jump ring. Tie polyester cord around and fasten the end in the last piece of cord. Cut open all the ends and trim.
Guide step %d
4.   Attach the tassel to the piece of elastic beading cord.
Guide step %d
5.   Close next to a bead with a large hole in order to hide the knot. Tie four or five tight reef knots.
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