A Bracelet with Rocaille beads and Mini Fabric Pumpkins


Rocaille beads and mini fabric pumpkins are threaded onto a piece of beading wire. A magnetic clasp is used as a fastener.

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How to do it
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1.   Cut a piece of beading wire long enough to fit three or four times around your wrist. Put on a bead tip and a crimp bead. Squeeze the crimp bead flat and close the bead tip around it.
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2.   Thread rocaille beads onto the beading wire.
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3.   Distribute the fabric pumpkins in between. Use a needle to make a hole through the fabric shapes.
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4.   Close in the same way as at the beginning with a bead tip and a crimp bead.
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5.   Attach the magnetic clasp.
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6   You may use a bead caddy spinner when threading a large number of rocaille beads. Use two pieces of beading wire for the necklace.
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