A basket with punch needle embroidered designs


Decorate a wicker seagrass basket with punch needle embroidered designs. Draw the design onto the basket using a pencil and embroider from the inside and on the outside of the basket.

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How to do it
Guide step %d
1   Draw the design onto the basket using a pencil. Embroider a 5 cm wide border starting 1 cm from the bottom of the basket and embroider circles measuring 2 cm and 5 cm in diameter. Embroider four of each distributed evenly on the top half of the basket.
Guide step %d
2   Embroider the circles from the inside of the basket adjusting the needle to setting "C". Embroider the outer edge of the circles and then fill in the middle. Keep a 0.5 cm gap between the stitches.
Guide step %d
3   Embroider the border from the outside of the basket, adjusting the needle to setting "D". Keep a gap of approx. 1 cm between the stitches.
Guide step %d
4   Secure the ends and trim.
Guide step %d
5   Embroider the needle punched design with decoupage lacquer for textiles on the inside of the basket in order to fix the woollen yarn ends.
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